BDX is Listed on the Changelly Exchange. Now, you can make low-fee, instant, and private crypto-to-crypto swaps.
Buy Beldex by simply swapping other cryptocurrency for BDX on the Changelly exchange platform. Yes, BDX is listed on Changelly, which means you can buy and sell Beldex with the help of Changelly swap.
Changelly is our new swap partner which will bridge your way to Beldex.
How to Buy BDX with Changelly
- First you need to visit
- Use the Changelly widget to swap your existing altcoins for BDX
- You can swap any cryptocurrency supported by Changelly. For example, if you’ve swapping BTC for BDX, then enter the equivalent amount of BTC. In the image below, you can see that with current exchange rates, 0.00258 BTC amounts to 1502.356 BDX.
- Changelly levies a network processing fee which is excluded from the final amount.
- Click the checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions and then click ‘Exchange’
- Login to the widget using your email address.
- Enter your Beldex wallet address in the next prompt. This is the wallet address to which Beldex will be transferred to.
- Click ‘Continue’
- Now, BTC (or the cryptocurrency that you selected) has to be sent to the wallet address provided by Changelly. Send the exact amount of BTC show on the widget.
- Once your transaction is confirmed, an equivalent amount of BDX will be transferred to your account.
- Changelly’s widget is convenient to make these instant transfers. We partnered with swaps like Changelly so that you can easily buy BDX.
- Changelly does not require you to fill any KYC forms.
About Changelly
Nearly 200 different cryptocurrencies are available on the non-custodial cryptocurrency market Changelly. You can exchange cryptocurrencies with its user-friendly, safe service for a low fee.
Very Low Fees: When it comes to fees for crypto-to-crypto swaps, Changelly has some of the lowest ones.
Simple to Use: It’s really simple to use Changelly as long as you are familiar with crypto exchange platforms. Both a web platform and a mobile app are available for Changelly. However, the simplest method is to use their widget.
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