BDX Scheduled Release Update: June 30, 2023

2 min readJul 11, 2023


The article shares the information about BDX scheduled release on the 30th of June, 2023. BDX coins are released every quarter.

Scheduled BDX Release in Q2 2023

BDX Release Update: BDX coins are released during scheduled intervals to fund research, development and marketing activities. Thus, as per the schedule, a total of 130680000 BDX was released on June 30, 2023.

The remaining balances in various wallets can be found below:

Ecosystem Development Wallet — 32.08%

130680000 BDX was released on June 30, 2023 from the Ecosystem wallet for research and development activities.

Remaining BDX in the Ecosystem Wallet: 3175920000 BDX

Seed & VC Wallet — 2.92%

Post the sale of BDX coins to the crypto investor Bitgert Ventures, the Seed & VC wallet is left with 2.92% of total supply.

Beldex has partnered with Bitgert ventures to build its team and suite of decentralized products, whereas, the latter has allocated a sum of $3.5 M USD for the development of the Beldex ecosystem.

Initially, 3.5 M BDX has been released. Thus, remaining BDX in the Seed & VC Wallet: 289500000 BDX

More information about the sale and partnership can be found here.

Team Wallet — 6%

No coins were released from the Team Wallet since it still has approximately a 6 month cliff post which BDX coins will be released in an 18 month linear vesting.

Remaining BDX in Team wallet: 594000000 BDX

Marketing Wallet — 2.79%

A total of 119 M was released from the marketing wallet in Q2, 2023 for marketing and promotional activities.

Remaining BDX in Marketing wallet: 277000000 BDX

Total BDX released in Q2 2023: 253180000 BDX

In Circulation — 56.21%

Verifying the allocated BDX in each wallet

To verify the allocated BDX in each wallet using the CLI wallet, check out the guide given here in our previous announcement:

Designated Wallets with Funds

Ecosystem Wallet



ViewKey: e180d0e97b78405fd41dd7ee29a71751c2a38ac08d88eb92ba1ebbcc568a4f09

Balance: 3175920000 BDX

Seed & VC Wallet



ViewKey: d7aebf5e0f7811138b9e432ee69a13efd16174689904b7ea1f03507972a4c502

Balance: 289500000 BDX

Team Wallet



ViewKey: 01c68b21ba38850d4c6e9f7f54360a5453386b9695f54007dc5da31494700a09

Balance: 594000000 BDX

Marketing Wallet



ViewKey: bcc465f5942b86452e5e38a037bc4018282a88b19e7116abca75672631d55c0d

Balance: 277000000 BDX

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Written by BELDEX

Building confidentiality-focused decentralized application with BChat, BelNet, Beldex Browser & the Beldex Protocol

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