Beldex is listed on the Perfect Nodes platform. Perfect Nodes is a staking platform where you can stake BDX in shared masternodes or host full masternodes.
You can stake and host an integral Beldex masternode or stake a percentage of the collateral beginning from 10% to 90%.
You can purchase BDX on perfect nodes here —
Or deposit your BDX and start hosting your masternode here —
Shared staking allows users to stake a lesser portion of the collateral and earn rewards based on their stake.
Our partnership with perfect nodes is aimed at further decentralizing and distributing the masternodes.
We encourage masternode operators to set up individual masternodes and consider diversifying their masternode pools on our partner platforms. This will help the Beldex network’s dApps run seamlessly on any part of the world.
Beldex will continue to partner with low cost hosting providers from different regions to provide a myriad of hosting options to our masternode operators.