Beldex Tokenomics Update

4 min readOct 18, 2022


Beldex Tokenomics Update — October 2022

Dear Beldians,

It’s time for an update on BDX tokenomics and the coins released during the first three quarters of 2022. This is in fact overdue and we would like our community to be updated on the current status of BDX allocated for ecosystem development and other purposes.

The total supply (excluding the coins that are minted as rewards for validators since POS went live on Dec 10, 2021) is classified into eight different categories and allotted to various multisig wallets. Each of these allocations has a purpose such as ecosystem development, marketing, seed and VC allocation, legal operations, early adopter rewards, team allocation, and exchange liquidity.

BDX allocated for various purposes (as of Dec 10, 2021)

Beldex Tokenomics as of Dec. 10, 2021

For every quarter, coins are released according to their vesting schedule and utilized for various purposes respectively. In the past three quarters, Beldex has undergone many new developments, dApp releases, exchange listings, etc. For each of these developments, an allocation of BDX that was released was spent. Below is the detailed explanation of how Beldex makes use of the allocated funds and its percentage with respect to the total supply.

The total supply is 9.9 Billion BDX

Ecosystem Development Funds

The ecosystem development fund has a linear and scheduled release at the end of every quarter for three years from 2022.

Q1 2022

130680000 BDX were released in the first quarter for BChat’s development on March 31, 2022 (First Quarter)

Transaction Hash: f1ea67569a5b14e799dd55c5d9d350be313d3cfabeb984c2bd17f9397d1e8ecf

Q2 2022

130680000 BDX were released in the second quarter for BelNet’s development on June 30, 2022 (Second Quarter)

Transaction Hash: 8c7d687b0cd8ec1f379bcec8bcb66d1fbcfa3eedceee9799206a7b4d27a1d5d7

Q3 2022

130680000 BDX were released in the third quarter for further development of BChat, BelNet, and other products on the Beldex Ecosystem on September 30, 2022 (Third Quarter)

Transaction Hash: ac140fdf06504922c01b857a81ce55a2a922dee853ff3844397c7813cb84f6a1

Thus, a total of 392040000 BDX (3.9% of the total supply) were released from ecosystem development funds in the first three quarters of 2022.

The funds released are used for development and operations as well as hiring new developers, researchers, advisors and further expansion of the team.

BDX currently locked in Ecosystem Development wallet: 3960000000 BDX (36.1% of the total supply)

Seed & VC Funds

Seed & VC funds weren’t used and are available for sale to venture capitalists and investors.

10% of the total supply or 990000000 BDX are allocated for seed & VC sale.

Marketing Funds

297000000 BDX or 3% of the supply was released from the marketing allocation for advertising and marketing activities.

Transaction Hash: 8d0e86b1ab41080a1f6646b55e8bd21695c872ee07fd20a3ec69e4b8aaca4628

BDX currently locked in Marketing wallet: 693000000 BDX (7% of the total supply)

Team Allocation

The team’s allocation has a 2 year lock since POS went live on Dec 10, 2021. Thus, the entire allocation is currently locked.

The funds will be unlocked on Dec 10, 2023 with a 18 month linear vesting.

BDX currently locked in Team wallet: 594000000 BDX (6% of the total supply)

Exchange Liquidity & Early Adopters

2% of the total supply or 198000000 BDX were released for the purpose of providing liquidity to exchanges.

Transaction Hash: d686bebd8b51e74b0dac716d01fff9946a56d7fb5830173b3ae9c462abca589c

1% of the total supply or 99000000 BDX were released for the purpose of providing rewards and airdrops to early adopters and the community.

Transaction Hash:


Legal Operations

49500000 BDX or 0.5% of the total supply were released from the legal’s allocation for activities such as legal incorporation of Beldex Research Labs, BChat and BelNet as separate entities, renewal of registration for the Beldex Foundation, obtaining legal opinions for purposes of exchange listings and other activities.

Transaction Hash:


BDX currently locked in Legal wallet: 49500000 BDX (0.5% of the total supply)

Thus, the current BDX allocation (as of Oct 1, 2022) is represented as follows,

Beldex Tokenomics as of Oct. 1, 2022

Circulation (40.4%) — 4,005,540,000 BDX

Ecosystem Development (36.1%) — 3,567,960,000 BDX

Seed and V.C. Development (10%) — 990,000,000 BDX

Marketing (7%) — 693,000,000 BDX

Team (6%) — 594,000,000 BDX

Legal (0.5%) — 49,500,000 BDX

Total — 9,900,000,000 BDX

Stay tuned for more updates about Beldex and follow our official social handles to get instant news.

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Bulding privacy-enhanced decentralized applications with BChat, BelNet, Beldex Browser & the Beldex Privacy Protocol