Beldex Electron wallet offers cryptocurrency Swap, an new in-wallet feature that enables private crypto-to-crypto swaps. Swap allows you to easily exchange one cryptocurrency for another without ever leaving the platform. It’s quick and easy, and tailored to your specific requirements.
Why Should You Use Swap?
Consider having the ability to convert your crypto assets into any asset you want for ease of trade or exchange or just to capitalize on the market differences. It is made feasible via swapping. Electron wallet’s integrated swap enables you to make these trades easily, whether you’re wanting to capture possible gains or seek stability.
How does cryptocurrency swap operate?
To get a token of your choice, you must use crypto-to-crypto exchange services. These services are provided by Changelly.
The integrated crypto swap ensures that our users can swap any crypto currency for BDX at any time. Crypto exchanges, for example, limit trading pairings of lesser-known currencies. To promote inclusivity of all crypto communities, we have made it possible to swap close to 500 cryptos for BDX.
Swaps also enable users to take advantage of market differences, privately, without having to use a cryptocurrency exchange. For example, if ETH is performing well against BTC, then you can swap Bitcoin in BTC/ETH pair to earn ETH, which you can then exchange for BDX for private transactions.
Most wallets, exchanges, and crypto swaps provide immediate swap functionality. Similarly, on the integrated swap, users choose a trading pair and an amount, and the platforms promptly process their transactions.
How Swap Works In Beldex Electron Wallet?
Step: 1
Choose the swap option in your wallet and select the asset that you want to convert.
Here for example, we are converting BDX to BNB.
Step 2:
Enter the recipient address in the given field and initiate the payment process. In this case, the recipient address is a BNB address on the BEP2 network. If your transaction requires a memo, then input the memo into the corresponding field. Click ‘Next’
Step 3:
Now, send the specified amount of BDX to the BDX address shown on screen.
Step 4:
Cross verify the address and send the amount.
Step 5:
Your transaction is now under processing. Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive a prompt stating the successful completion of your transaction.
Step 6:
Your transaction is now complete.
Now swapping is made easy with the help of Beldex Electron wallet.
Download the latest version of the Electron wallet for
Linux -deb:
Happy and safe swapping with Beldex.
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