Pay On BChat: Pay As You Chat

6 min readApr 6, 2023


Pay as you chat on BChat. Yes, with BChat’s new feature, you can now pay BDX to your friends and loved ones just as you converse with them.

Now you can Pay As You Chat on BChat. Sounds great, right?

Yes, it is all the more simple and quick to send BDX to your loved ones now. The convenience of sending a private message and private crypto to your friend — how awesome does that sound? And you don’t get that anywhere else but BChat!

BChat is a decentralized private messaging app built on top of the Beldex network. Prior to Pay As You Chat, the Beldex wallet was integrated into the BChat app. You ecould access the Beldex wallet on BChat by heading to the Settings Menu -> Chat.

Pay As You Chat simplifies this further by enabling BDX payments right from your chat window. All you need to do to make a transaction is to open a chat window, presumably the chat window of the person you wish to send BDX to.

When you see a prompt, click ‘ok.’ The prompt will let you know that once Pay As You Chat is enabled, you can see the ‘connect wallet’ option at the top of every chat window.

Likewise, you can see the ‘connect wallet’ option at the top-right corner of the chat window.

Now, click ‘Connect Wallet.’ For added security, you will be asked to enter your wallet password. Enter your wallet password to proceed further.

The wallet will connect to one of the existing RPC nodes to fetch the balance and transaction details. Let the wallet scan for sometime.

Once the wallet is connected, you will be able to send BDX to your friend right from your chat box.

At the bottom right of the message input field, you can now see a BDX icon.

When it is disabled, the input field will be sending numbers instead of BDX.

On the contrary, when it is enabled, you’ll be able to send BDX. (It is enabled by default)

When you enter any numerical value, it is automatically assumed that you’re sending BDX. However, when you add a space or type anything else along with the number, it converts to a text. Notice that the BDX icon is de-highlighted in the screenshot below.

To send BDX from the chat window,

  • The BDX icon at the right corner of the message input field is enabled by default.
  • Enter the amount you wish to send
  • Press the ‘Pay’ button and confirm the transaction details
  • Enter your wallet password (you’ll be required to enter your wallet password for each transaction)
  • The specified amount of BDX will now be sent to your friend right from the chat window.

The above steps are explained in detail below.

If this is the first time you are initiating a transaction from the chat window, you need to ensure that your friend has accepted your message request and has responded back to you. You can send BDX only to those whom you have had a conversation with.

Once you enter the amount and click the ‘Pay’ button, a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the transaction details.

Once you confirm the details, you’ll be asked to enter the wallet password again. Upon entering the correct wallet password, your transaction will be initiated.

Once the transaction is confirmed on-chain, the status on the notification card will be updated to ‘sent successfully.’ In this example below, 10 BDX was sent to Louis.

The notification card is linked to the respective hash on the explorer. Thus, when you click the transaction notification card, it will take you to the corresponding transaction on the explorer.

Synchronized With the BChat Integrated Wallet

The transactions that you make using the Pay As You Chat feature will also be visible on the integrated BChat Wallet.

The transaction will be displayed as sent to your respective BChat contact.

Similarly, the transactions initiated using the integrated BChat wallet will be visible on the respective chat window.

In the image below, you can see the transaction that was made using the Pay As You Chat feature displayed on the BChat Integrated wallet’s transaction history.

Before and After Pay As You Chat

Prior to Pay As You Chat, you could only send messages within the chat window. And to verify a user’s wallet address, you’d have to use the ‘Address Book’ (BChat contacts) feature within the integrated wallet.

Now, you can verify the identity of the sender / receiver in chat, and use the Pay As You Chat feature to send and receive BDX.

Pay As You Chat is easy and convenient to use. Consider that you need to make a payment to a business or a retail store. All you need is their BChat ID.

BChat IDs are tagged to wallet addresses. So you can just enter their BChat ID and send them BDX within seconds.

Pay As You Chat and BNS Names

BChat’s upcoming update, the BNS names can be utilized in interesting ways along with Pay As You Chat.

For example, you wouldn’t even require a BChat ID to verify a person or business’s identity.

All you would need is a BChat name. Enter the BChat name into the search field designated for ID search, find the account and start a transaction. Yes, it’s as simple as that.

At the Core: Privacy, Decentralization, Autonomy and Freedom

At the core of all the features on BChat lies the core principles of Privacy, Decentralization, Autonomy and Freedom.

  • Do you want to converse with someone privately? Use BChat.
  • Do you want your transactions to remain private? Use BChat’s Integrated Wallet or Pay As You Chat.
  • Do you want autonomy and cut out the middleman? Use BChat.
  • Do you want freedom of speech, freedom of money, and complete ownership of your communication and transaction history? Use BChat.

Privacy is said to be a virtue in today’s digital world. BChat offers you that virtue.

Chat with Freedom.

Transact with Freedom.

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Written by BELDEX

Building confidentiality-focused decentralized application with BChat, BelNet, Beldex Browser & the Beldex Protocol

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